Wednesday, November 25, 2009

"I Used To" Negative ----- > Positive

(My ideas for this come from A great teacher of the law of attraction.

The law of attraction is being used whenever you think or feel.

Here is a very easy and powerful tool to turn a negative self schema into a positive one.

Its called "I Used To"
This can be used whenever you catch a negative thought about yourself.
Some examples:
"I am horrible at math"
"I am unintelligent"

When you say these things you are using the law of attraction and it should come as no surprise to you that you will see these thoughts come to life.

However correcting this may be simple.
Next time you catch a thought like this, especially when your saying it to your friend, I want you to say this...

"I used to be ____ but now I ______"

"I used to be bad at math but now my math skills are improving!"

You take your old self fulfilling negative thought and replace it with a positive thought.

This can be extremely useful to starting a new self-schema!

An example of one that I am using right now:
"I used to be bad at talking to women but now I am very successful with women in social situations"
I use this when talking to myself and others.

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